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New Research Finds Low Rates of Mental Health Support for Eczema Patients Despite Correlation

As high as 64% of adult patients and caregivers of young patients with eczema were not referred to mental health resources, per findings.

New Research Finds Low Rates of Mental Health Support for Eczema Patients Despite Correlation

The National Eczema Association (NEA) has announced the second publication from its real-world research on eczema and its impacts on mental health published in Skin Health and Disease.

Over 31 million Americans live with atopic dermatitis (eczema), a chronic skin disease without a known cause or cure that is associated with significant and multifaceted burden. Research has already shown that eczema is strongly associated with symptoms of psychological distress, including anxiety, depression and social isolation. However, until now, there has not been an understanding of what type of mental health support eczema patients receive or don’t receive from their primary eczema provider.

This is the first study to explore this important topic for the eczema patient community per Jessica Johnson, lead author of the study and director of community engagement and research at NEA.

As part of the study, adult eczema patients (18 years or older) – as well as the primary caregivers of younger eczema patients (children and teens ages 8 to 17 years) – completed a survey about mental health and eczema’s relationship to mental health. The survey included questions about eczema symptoms, mental health symptoms, perceptions of the connection between eczema and mental health and experiences accessing mental health services.

Mental health services in the survey were defined as, but not limited to: counseling with a mental health provider; cognitive behavioral therapy; social support groups; alternative mental health therapy (such as music or art therapy); and/or mental health medications.

Survey Results

The findings revealed that 42% of patients with AD and caregivers of children/teens with eczema never spoke about mental health with primary eczema care providers; 50% of patients were never asked about mental health by their primary eczema care provider during any visits; and 64% of adult patients and caregivers of young patients with eczema were not referred to mental health resources.

The patients more likely to be referred to mental health services included children, men, those with limited education and people seeing non-specialists. If patients were referred to mental health resources, the most common referrals were to counseling services (23% of referrals), alternative mental health therapy (15%), cognitive behavioral therapy (13%) and peer/social support groups (12%).

Among those who received a referral for mental healthcare, 57% utilized the recommended services. The patients more likely to have never spoken with their primary eczema care providers about mental health included women, people of low income and people seeing specialists (such as dermatologists or allergists) for their primary eczema care.

Young adults 18–34 years old frequently reported not being asked about their mental health but wanted to be.

The survey also showed that a significant portion of patients are not being asked about or did not speak to their eczema care provider about mental health. Further, most eczema patients are not receiving referrals for mental health support.

“We know about the emotional and psychological toll that eczema can take on patients of all ages,” said Wendy Smith Begolka, study senior author and chief strategy officer at NEA. “Ideally, patients and healthcare providers would feel comfortable discussing mental health during their visits. Our study highlights the opportunity to help this discussion occur more consistently.”

More research is needed to identify the most effective mental health interventions for eczema patients, as well as current barriers to referring patients to mental healthcare.

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