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Mintel Reveals Beauty & Wellness Global Consumer Trends for 2022

Survivor’s guilt and eco-anxiety are among the trends set to impact the household and personal care markets in the year ahead.


By: Melissa Meisel

Mintel Reveals Beauty & Wellness Global Consumer Trends for 2022

Mintel revealed its trend forecast for 2022. According to the market research firm, consumers are eager to break out of their confines and explore, play and embrace novel experiences, both virtually and in the physical world.
“Looking ahead to 2022, our trend analysis and prediction research are grounded by observations of the seven trend drivers over the last 18 months and backed by Mintel’s robust consumer and market data, predictive analytics, action-oriented insights and expert recommendations,” said Dana Macke, director of Mintel Trends, Americas. “We put everything into context to better understand what it means for—and how it could inspire—our clients’ business decisions across industries, categories and demographics, and amid global themes and times of uncertainty.”

Here's what to expect in the household and personal care space for the upcoming year.


Financial insecurity trigged by the pandemic pushed consumers to seek a sense of control over every aspect of their lives. Mintel finds that consumers need clarity, transparency and options to make decisions that suit their individual changing needs and circumstances.
“Brands will need to work harder to deliver reliable information and balance censorship and authenticity,” added Macke. “Consumers’ desire to know potential outcomes will manifest in the development of predictive technologies that can anticipate adverse events. From diseases to likely death dates to relationship outcomes using compatibility profiles, technology will evolve to grant consumers the power to plan with peace of mind.”


The agency also found that consumers are seeking sources of joy. While many are plagued by “survivor’s guilt,” brands are recognizing the importance of uplifting people by giving them permission to experience happiness again.
“While the stress caused by the pandemic may no longer be central to consumer needs for fun and escapism, they will continue to seek enjoyment and playfulness,” said Macke. “As brand interactions through campaigns, apps and transactions take on more and more gamified elements in response to consumer interest, expect to also see pushback against it and the instant gratification it offers.”


Consumers do not simply want, brand’s ethical commitments, they demand them, says the agency. As consumers look beyond a brand’s achievements and strengths, businesses will need to be transparent about their weaknesses, too: where and why they fail and how they plan to address these issues in the future.
“All the transparency in the world doesn’t necessarily help consumers to understand the impact of a brand, which is why it’s key to use metrics that accurately reflect the problems brands are trying to solve,” said Macke. “If a company isn’t properly measuring what they aim to fix or change, it’s difficult to determine whether progress is being made, let alone communicate that progress in a way that consumers will understand.”

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