White Papers / Tech Papers

Target cellular proteostasis for an anti-aging performance

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Released By Silab

Target cellular proteostasis for an anti-aging performance

In the course of aging or after exposure to a stress such as UV, cell metabolism progressively slows down. Among the molecules impacted, proteins are particularly affected. Yet, they are indispensable components of the body that account for more than 25% of the constituents of the skin. Particularly, the production of functional proteins, taking place at the heart of cells, more precisely in the Endoplasmic reticulum (ER), ensures the vital mechanisms of the organism. At the cutaneous level, this optimal functioning translates into a firm and radiant skin.  It therefore appears essential to preserve the metabolic activity of skin cells in the course of aging. To do so, SILAB Research developed ERISIUM®, an anti-aging active ingredient that maintains protein balance (or proteostasis) at the heart of the ER.


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