The Happi Podcast

The Happi Podcast: Julie Longyear, Blissoma

Herbal chemist Julie Longyear, owner of Blissoma, discusses how her search for remedies for skin sensitivity and bad headaches led to a skincare oasis.

It’s been said that difficult roads can lead to beautiful destinations.
Julie Longyear, owner of 15-year-old skin care brand Blissoma, had been enduring migraines and irritation as the result of her sensitive skin. Though starting her career in ceramics, these issues propelled her into the world of herbal chemistry. 
In this Indie Inc series, Longyear discusses how efficacy and sustainably go hand-in-hand, in addition to her work with compostable herbs and mindfulness with regards the amount extracted from different plant sources. Products are cruelty-free, vegan, made with solar power, organic and free from petrochemicals. 


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